Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Scrub between tides

I've just revamped the design side of me blog. In an idle moment you understand. A gig-rowing maid suggested that the reversed out of black was hard to read. Not so sure but there y'go; have a look. The picture is borrowed from painter and occasional crew, Ian Heard back in Blighty. It's a rough, he says but still managed to sell it. Be nice when it's done, I thought. He tells me he has a stack of half finished boards and canvases under his desk while his old boat moulders in some backwater. I've told him to bloody sort it out. Boats is for barnacles, not slugs and snails. He has got a new mooring for next year and I hope to see him afloat when I get back for a trip.
Meanwhile, the crew and I took The Promise down to the estuary of the Belon river a while ago, intending it as a spring board for deeper water but Port Manech is a tranquil, sheltered spot and there's miles of creeks to explore. The oysters are the best in Brittany and friends I have on the Odet, drive a sixty mile round trip for them. They are French I should say. More later when the kettle's boiled I have some nice tales of this place and other bits and bobs. Cheers.

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